To buy a home should be aware that the costs to be incurred is not small, almost include all costs the household budget. purchase a house through an agreement between sellers and consumers, in the deal will involve the cost of lawyers, notaries, and transfer fees, so we have to actually calculate the budget of the home purchase.
Cost to be paid
Costs you will incur in the purchase of your home does not have to pay all of your cash. you can take home loan from a bank. In terms of credit there is an agreement between the borrowers credit with the bank. of the agreement there is also a notary and attorney fees to the letter agreement are legally.
Things you should consider when home loans are :
Home location of access to places of public facilities. How access to the office, a doctor, to school and others. Choose the location of the house to which access is easy to reach, for what that nice house, beautiful complex, but far anywhere, left after dawn prayers, and got home at 10 pm.
Ask your developer certificate copy shows the land, whether it has been shaped Certificate of Right of Building or Property Rights? How does the process of buying and selling homes, whether by paying installments to the developer or the Bank? If paid to the developer, be careful ... .. because a lot of experience developers who cheat, despite being paid, but it turns out the developer could not pay his debts with the Bank, then the land can not be retrieved certificate from Bank.
Choose a bank that has been trusted in the community and has also been guaranteed by the Bank government.
Notice of credit agreement with banks. Are interest rates fixed to the keel (fixed repayment), or reviewable? Because interest rates can rise above 20% (during the economic crisis to 36%). We recommend a maximum credit of 30% of salary, so there cussion if anything happens. Banks will definitely get the house insured, to ensure if there is a bottleneck due to death or accident.
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